

Friday, September 10, 2010

A Taste of Home!

I am so excited because today is my last day being unemployed (WOO!) and I get to start my job on Monday! It's been a long two weeks with not much to do, especially because it rained so much I didn't get the pool time I was anticipating, but it's finally over and we have a great weekend ahead of us!

Two of our good friends are flying in tonight and we're heading to Louisiana tomorrow to stay with another one of our sorority sisters and her husband! THEN to top it off my Dad is flying in on Sunday for a business trip so we get to spend Sunday night with him! We are so excited!!! It is perfect timing, we've been missing home and our friends a lot lately so it should be wonderful! We will post pictures on the blog sometime next week :) Hope all is well with all of you, we miss everyone so much!

All of our love!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Wedding Pictures!

Somehow it's already been more than 3 weeks since the wedding, time has been flying! We just got the USB drives with our wedding pictures on it from the photographer and I uploaded them online so you can print out any that you like. We love the pictures, there are a lot of good ones on there.

You can view all the pictures and download any that you want from the website here.

From Wedding!

It was my birthday yesterday and for my present, Kelly surprised me by flying Kaitlin down to Houston to celebrate with us. We had a great time and I was really glad she got to come. Also, tomorrow is my first day of work at ExxonMobil! Have to go to bed early because from now on I have a lot of early mornings.

A little more news...Kelly got a job! It is with Top Spot Internet Marketing, and she is extremely excited! She will probably be starting one week from Tuesday, which gives her plenty of time to work on thank you notes ;) Everything is coming together well here and we are getting used to living in Texas and enjoying it.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

A Tour Of Our New Apartment!

We finally got everything pulled together with our apartment and we decided to make a video to show everyone what we've been doing for the last 2 weeks. Hope you enjoy the video!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Deep in the Heart of Texas!

So we've arrived in Houston, the home of purple drank and now us! We've finally gotten most of our unpacking done and are still working on decorating our apartment! The drive here was rather exciting, Winston literally sat in our laps all 17 hours, 1100 miles of the trip but we made it! We've been putting Nathan's hanging and building skills to the test and our apartment it starting to look like and feel like a home. Our internet and cable was finally hooked up today, so we feel like we are once again connected to the world! I'm still on the job hunt but we're hoping something will come up soon. Winston seems to love it here, he already thinks that he is King Dog of the apartment complex and barks at every dog we see, but he's starting to chill out a bit. We went to the Astro's game on Thursday and loved it! We've also gone out with Nathan's friends a few times and went to church on Sunday with Pete. We liked the Church but are going to look at other churches in our area to find the best one for us! Other than that things are starting to come together and we'll keep you updated on our lives! Love and miss you all!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Our New Apartment!

Kelly and I flew to Houston to look for apartments a couple months ago and we found one that we loved! We went ahead and signed a lease, and our move-in date is August 13th. We are going to be living at City Vista Apartments, which are located slightly west of downtown Houston in The Heights. It is a young area with a lot of people our age and has a fast growing strip of bars nearby. We took some pictures of our apartment and you can see them by clicking here.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

We're Still Here!

Soooo it has been more than 3 months since we last posted a blog entry! Whoa! But don't worry, we're still here and we still plan to keep posting! We have been wedding planning like crazy this summer and have been trying to spend as much time with our families as possible! Response cards are slowly coming in, but it's so exciting to open them and see who will be there to share our big day with us! The tuxes are picked out and Kelly's dress is altered and ready to be steamed, our wedding cake is picked out, and I chose to have my grooms cake to be a Maker's Mark cake (pretty cool if you ask me).

It's crazy how much goes into a wedding and how much time both of our families have spent wedding planning! BUT don't let it deceive you, Our whole summer hasn't been wedding planning. We have gone to the lake a few times for a little R&R. Kelly had her bachelorette party in Louisville where she did a scavenger hunt around the city and we have spent lots of time with our friends and family! We both have basically been living out of suitcases since we moved back home. We stay a few days in Danville, then a few in Lexington, and we are gone basically every weekend. Although this summer has FLOWN by, we have had a blast thus far and are so exciting about our wedding! Only 24 days to go!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

School Procrastination=Wedding Planning!!!

It's an 80 degree day here in Louisville and the city is absolutely beautiful! All the flowers are in bloom and everyone seems to be in a wonderful mood! I finally feel better and as Nate said "I can vaguely see the light at the end of the tunnel" as far as school goes. It's been a crazy couple of weeks here for us! School has officially taken over our lives but we've been working hard and are so ready for these next couple of weeks to fly by!

One of our newest procrastination tactics is to do even more wedding planning! Here is our updated to-do list from this past week:
-My dress came in on Monday so I get to go pick it up and take it home when we go to Danville for Easter
-Mailed our save the dates
-Basically finalized the guest list (definitely the hardest part yet!)
-Begun working on our Marriage prep for the church
-Both of our Moms have found their dresses

And we just may have found the groomsman Bowties and Holland's flower girl dress! So excited a the prospect of Bowties by the way :)

Other than that we're just living for the weekends and enjoying getting to spend time with our families and friends! This weekend we'll get to spend time with both of our families for Easter, next weekend is our Engagement Party, and the next weekend is Thunder Over Louisville then it's finals and DERBY!!!

Life is good, God is good!!! HAPPY EASTER EVERYONE!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Land Ho!

After a 14 hour drive from Florida, Kelly and I have successfully made it back from spring break 2010. We went on a 4 day Carnival cruise to the Bahamas. We went with 16 of our friends, 2 of which were in the same room as we were.

Our first stop was Freeport, where we went to a beach for a day. Our second stop was Nassau, where we took a tour of the city on a horse-drawn carriage. We saw the US Embassy and other brightly painted buildings (since pink apparently holds up best to the sun and weather). We then ate at Senor Frog's and went to a beach on Paradise Island near Atlantis.

The beaches were all beautiful and the sun was shining every day except for the last one, which was our day at sea. Dinner was amazingly delicious every night, where we had steak, lobster, salmon and tons more. For dessert every night we ordered the WCMC (Warm Chocolate Melting Cake) with an extra scoop of ice cream. The only way to describe the WCMC is pure heaven.

We had a blast on the cruise, but it feels great to be back home. We are going to Danville and Lexington this weekend to see our families. We're going to have dinner with our parents in Danville so that the Whites can see the church and country club, where our wedding and reception will be. Then we're going to Lexington on Sunday to meet with the priest who is going to marry us, Father Norm, to talk about pre-marital stuff.

Spring break has been fun, but busy and we have plenty to do for school in the next few weeks. Only one month left until school is over and we are free for the summer. We can't wait!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Winston's Game of Hide and Seek

Winston is our main form of entertainment throughout the day and here is a video of him attempting to get his Kong from under the couch. He continually swats at it, but never gets any closer. He gets more and more frustrated if we don't help him and will eventually start barking and going crazy.

Here is another video of Winston playing with a grape. This one has been on Facebook for a while, but is definitely still funny. Instead of eating it, he just plays with it. Obviously his mom never taught him not to play with his food...

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Taylor's Visit, Snow Days, etc!!!

Sooo we've been a little absent from our blog scene, but it's for a good reason! We've been crazy busy lately. Last weekend we had Taylor come up and stay with us while Mom & Dad went on a trip with their friends. It was so much fun! We had a blast taking him out to eat with our friends and just hanging out and playing rock band! Seriously, we played rock band for about 8 hours over the weekend! I think that it's safe to say that we had quite a romantic Valentine's Day! haha!

We've also had a couple of snow days, so we decided to create a video of Winston playing in the snow for your enjoyment!!!

Other than that we're just gonna keep on studying and trying to graduate...we leave for our Spring Break cruise in 24 days so that's keeping us going :)

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Crockpot, Wine Glasses and...a pink iron?

So in an effort to be proactive Nathan and I decided to get started on our gift registries so that we could post the link our our wedding website (which Nate has been working hard on!). Well let me tell you, registering is quite the experience!

It started off pretty simple...knives, crock pots, wine glasses taking turns with the scanner. Everything was easy, we were in agreement with everything...well until colors came in. I was of course immediately attracted to the pink bottle opener, which was quickly shot down. Then we went looking for pots and pans. Did you know they made pink pots and pans? AND pink mixing bowls and measuring cups? I was ready right then and there to have a pink and black kitchen. Nate made sure that I understood that this would be OUR kitchen and there would be no pink involved. So we decided on a red and black theme and Nate thought he had taken care of my little pink craze...then we got to the laundry aisle. Was it any coincidence that the best iron there just happened to be pink? I don't think so. Nate protested, of course. BUT he quickly changed his mind once I reminded him who would be doing the ironing/laundry in our house. And guess who got their pink iron on the registry! It was a great victory for me and our future home :)

Can't wait to get to linens!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Our Wedding Website

We are in the process of making a website with all of the information about our wedding in it. This is a work-in-progress and will continue to be updated, so check back a bit closer to the wedding to see what's new!

Only 176 days left until our wedding!

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Engagement Pictures!

Kelly and I met Megan Imel at the seminary today where she took our engagement pictures! It was painfully cold outside, but we toughed it out in order to get some good pics.

We really wanted to take our engagement pictures outside when there was snow on the ground, so we went for it today. The snow had started to melt by 4 when we took our pictures, but we think they turned out great!

We will be choosing one of these pictures to use for our save the date cards we will be sending out soon. Be on the lookout for those!

Here are some of our favorite pictures from today:

If you want to see all of the pictures they are all on Facebook. You can click here to see them!

Friday, January 29, 2010


Well I finally had my candlelight so now everyone can know the exciting news...We're engaged! We are so, so excited to start our lives together and watch as our relationship continues to grow! (And Winston is excited to finally have a "Real Dad"!)

But let me back up and explain how the proposal went. Nate took me out to a nice restaurant in downtown Louisville called the Bristol. After dinner he got on his phone and called for a horse-drawn carriage to come pick us up. I was so surprised and thought that the carriage ride was the big surprise of the night! We rode the carriage down to the waterfront park and started walking around, enjoying what I thought, was a typical Louisville night. Once we had been walking around for awhile Nathan got down on one knee and asked me to marry him! Our friend Megan was there taking pictures right after it happened. We then spent the rest of the weekend in Danville and Lexington visiting with our families. It was easily the best weekend of my life!

As of now wedding plans are well underway! Nathan has been working hard on our wedding website and we are pretty proud of it! Check it out:


Wedding planning is already getting hectic but we are extremely pleased with how many plans we have been able to make...I'm sure we'll have exciting stories to tell as we tackle all of the adventures that come with planning a wedding!