

Monday, August 23, 2010

Deep in the Heart of Texas!

So we've arrived in Houston, the home of purple drank and now us! We've finally gotten most of our unpacking done and are still working on decorating our apartment! The drive here was rather exciting, Winston literally sat in our laps all 17 hours, 1100 miles of the trip but we made it! We've been putting Nathan's hanging and building skills to the test and our apartment it starting to look like and feel like a home. Our internet and cable was finally hooked up today, so we feel like we are once again connected to the world! I'm still on the job hunt but we're hoping something will come up soon. Winston seems to love it here, he already thinks that he is King Dog of the apartment complex and barks at every dog we see, but he's starting to chill out a bit. We went to the Astro's game on Thursday and loved it! We've also gone out with Nathan's friends a few times and went to church on Sunday with Pete. We liked the Church but are going to look at other churches in our area to find the best one for us! Other than that things are starting to come together and we'll keep you updated on our lives! Love and miss you all!

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