

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Wedding Pictures!

Somehow it's already been more than 3 weeks since the wedding, time has been flying! We just got the USB drives with our wedding pictures on it from the photographer and I uploaded them online so you can print out any that you like. We love the pictures, there are a lot of good ones on there.

You can view all the pictures and download any that you want from the website here.

From Wedding!

It was my birthday yesterday and for my present, Kelly surprised me by flying Kaitlin down to Houston to celebrate with us. We had a great time and I was really glad she got to come. Also, tomorrow is my first day of work at ExxonMobil! Have to go to bed early because from now on I have a lot of early mornings.

A little more news...Kelly got a job! It is with Top Spot Internet Marketing, and she is extremely excited! She will probably be starting one week from Tuesday, which gives her plenty of time to work on thank you notes ;) Everything is coming together well here and we are getting used to living in Texas and enjoying it.

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